In February, one begins to experience physical and mental changes that are the result of devotion to New Year’s resolutions for better health. Chiropractic and massage are catalysts in this process, supporting the healing of mind and body. As visual creatures living in a fast-paced world, it is important to remember that our willingness to change and our body’s timetable do not always coincide. The healing energy of the body, like the wisdom of nature, works in its own time. Exercising compassion for your progress, no matter how slow or fast, is just as important as exercising compassion for others. Not doing so is the equivalent of living with a divided heart.
Be gentle with yourself and give the body time to grow strong and heal. Also realize that the mind has just as much work to do as the body. In times of challenge, when you are not progressing in the manner that you desire, your inner “self talk” may be colored by fear or hopelessness. This is the perfect opportunity to exercise faith in your progress. Visualize it, think of the good you can do for yourself and others as you achieve your goals.
You may be tempted to measure your progress against others or another time in your life. This is completely normal for social beings, but it is not supportive of the healing path. Stay present and consider the seedling. At first, a spot on the ground seems to be nothing but a mound of dirt. Then, in due time, a bright green shoot emerges and the head of a sprout grows towards the light. In the midst of change you are that seedling. Know that by engaging in therapeutic massage and chiropractic, you are taking steps to move forward in your life. Close your eyes and feel your potential coming into light. You are that seedling.