Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dr. Santina DiLuoffo: Personalized Chiropractic Treatment

These days everyone is short on time, but when a medical professional’s time is limited, the ability to thoroughly evaluate a patient without worrying about other patients sitting in a crowded waiting room is a challenge.

Though I understand how this condition evolved I have chosen to remain an independent chiropractor. I believe in spending time with a patient and getting to know who they are so I can help them transcend pain and lead a healthy and balanced life. As a rule, I do not take on more patients than I can handle.

When you come to Natural Health Chiropractic can expect to find:

  • A nurturing and non-judgmental environment where the balance of body and mind is respected.
  • A professional who genuinely cares about how you feel.
  • A thorough evaluation and diagnosis of your condition.
  • A professional who will work with you and your insurance company so you can shape a treatment plan that is customized for your condition.
Pain is something that needs to be managed. The first and most important step is taken by you, the patient. When you acknowledge your condition and seek healing you begin to break the psychic trauma of pain so it doesn’t refer to other parts of your body and take over your thoughts. Pain is a symptom that does not have to define you. My name is Dr. Santina DiLuoffo and I look forward to working with you so you can achieve your wellness goals through chiropractic treatment.

The image on this blog post is from the Book of Hours, a medieval illuminated manuscript commissioned by the Duke of Berry.